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This on-demand product features a modern and delightful user interface and experience. With this web application, students can conveniently access all the necessary materials online, along with real-time assessments that come with detailed explanations. What’s more, this app is optimized for mobile devices.


The Challenges:
  • The original product was not user-centric. Students were having a hard time navigating through the product with the dated UX and UI
  • The legacy system was creating a high demand for “Support” calls
  • The product was not scalable


My Role:
  • Led the research to identify the key friction points
  • Collaborated with the SME to understand what’s effective for the learning experience
  • Led the team to deliver the product that later rolled out for all on-demand programs
  • Reduced the number of calls to the support center so that the business could reduce the support staffing
The Outcome:
  • The product received excellent ratings from students who found it empowering and efficient for on-demand learning, thanks to the clear guidance and detailed assessments provided to track their progress.
  • Additionally, the product helped reduce the number of support center calls, leading to a reduction in support staffing for the business.
  • This positive experience has now been extended to all on-demand products.

