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Fenming 5.0

// Can’t believe that it’s another few years since  Fenming 4.0. Covid has stolen time from us, for sure.

Last year, I had a hard time maintaining my old WordPress sites. They went broken a few times either due to the security issue or the updates pushed from WordPress. It was exhausting and frustrating for me to recover the site. I ended up backing up all my portfolio work on Medium and Coda because I couldn’t get my sites to work properly.

Finally, I decided to use a different hosting service this year. It’s a great opportunity to revisit my abandoned task. I wanted to create a brand new portfolio site. Funny that it’s not any easier dealing with WordPress this time around.  The truth is, it has evolved so much, there’s a steep learning curve for all the new features.

Nonetheless, I’m glad that I went through this – helped me gain more empathy for our users who use WordPress 🙂

My domain has been down for so long, I’m almost in tears seeing it back up online.

If you are interested in how that might work – check out the following articles:

Trying Medium for My Portfolio

So I Also Tried Coda for Hosting my Portfolio